For use with Simulink®

MoTeC M1 Integration Tool, for use with Simulink® enables the integration of a compiled Simulink® model into an M1 control unit. This feature provides a streamlined pathway from MATLAB® and Simulink® control system development to embedded software for an M1 controller by providing a dedicated MoTeC target to the Simulink® Code Generation.

The M1 Integration Tool is installed in MATLAB® and Simulink® and makes MoTeC custom blocks available through the Simulink® library browser. These custom blocks may be used when developing the model. Compilation of the Simulink® model generates a User Library that can be used within M1 firmware development to assign channels and connect physical I/Os.


  • Intended for firmware development for MoTeC’s M1 ECUs, designed for motorsport.
  • Suitable for development of petrol and diesel engine management systems.
  • Suitable for development of Electric Vehicle and Hybrid Electric Vehicles applications.
  • Enables ECU configuration, analysis and calibration using MoTeC’s M1 Tune software.
  • Allows data visualisation and analysis using MoTeC’s i2 software.
  • Opportunity to develop complete control systems or subsystems for block exchange.
  • The M1 Integration Tool is installed in MATLAB® and Simulink® and makes MoTeC custom blocks available through the Simulink® library browser. These custom blocks may be used when developing the model.
  • Compilation of the Simulink® model generates a User Library that can be used within M1 firmware development to assign channels and connect physical I/Os.
  • Stateflow® and Multi-rate Simulink® models are supported.
  • The resulting embedded code can be loaded into one of MoTeC’s M1 controllers and calibrated using M1 Tune software.


  • Develop a complete engine or electric vehicle control system in Simulink® to use with one of MoTeC’s M1 control units.
  • Develop a control subsystem for a block exchange in an existing M1 Package. For example, replace a complete gear shift module or traction control module in a MoTeC GPR Package with specific control functions that are developed in Simulink®.
  • Develop a control subsystem to add additional functionality to an existing M1 Package. For example add an electric vehicle control module to an existing MoTeC GPR Package to develop a hybrid vehicle control system.



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